Monday, July 22, 2013

Nic's "Tough Mudder Competition": 11 miles, 19 military style obstacles

 Team Daddy:  Best Fans Ever

Landry is stoked
Game Face

Met up with Jen, Mom, Ray, and the kids at "Mt Everest" (the 17th obstacle of 19)
Scaling "Mt Everest"
They give you a beer, headband, and "Tough Mudder Finisher" shirt at the end  

 Landry doesn't look too impressed here

 Team WinCraft

Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July, 2013: Fun times at Aunt Danielle and Uncle Russ' house

 Cousins playing on the 4th of July and Dani and Russ' house
 Shooting bow with Daddy (wind was pretty crazy)
 Lucky fella
 Dad driving the skidloader with Uncle Russ supervising
The guys