Thursday, January 29, 2009

These Hats

Cami is getting so big, these hats used to be huge on her... now they barely fit!!!!

Before Bath Time

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy with Daddy

Big Girl

Our big girl can hold her head up all by herself now for a VERY long time!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today we decided to let Cami Bella's hair dry without combing it down first! Look at that curl!!!!

Meeting Papi and Masue

Cameron met her Papi and Masue last week! Her Papi, (Nic's Dad Keith) lives in Oklahoma, and her Masue (Nic's Grandmother) lives in Arkansas. Unfortunately her Grammy (Nic's Stepmother) could not make it up this time. She was missed, but will see Cami in the Spring :)
While Papi and Masue were up there the Longhorns played in the Fiesta bowl and won 24-21. Cameron's Dad is a die hard fan and therefore we already had Longhorns gear to dress her up all cute for the game!!!
Hook'em Horns!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Monkey Hat

We LOVE our monkey hat... even if it is a little big!!!