Monday, December 29, 2008

Cami Loves....

Holding Momma's Hand


Helping Momma with her Blog
Her Cousins

Nanna and Opa's House

Cameron had fun with her Aunts and Uncles at Nanna and Opa's house!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

All dressed up!

Cameron went to her first bridal shower yesterday! She wore her winnie the pooh dress. She was a big hit with her cute little booties!

(she also wore this outfit on Christmas eve at Papa's house, where these pictures were taken)

She decided to toot in mom's face for this picture!!!!!! It was hilarious!!!!

Cami's Swing

Little Cami Bella loves her swing.... not sure why her momma keeps flashing lights in her face though :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Family Time!

"I think she's really looking at me!"

Cami Bella's first outing... to get Chinese food of course.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cami had lots of visitors including her Nanna, Opa, Aunt Stephanie, Papa, Aunt Jill, Aunt Danielle, and Auntie Ann.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cameron Bella's Birthday

The contractions started in Monday December 15th (at Nic's work banquet dinner) and the next
morning on December 16th (OUR DUE DATE) I called Nic at work and told him it was time to head into the hospital.

And 7 hours later at 7:03 pm we had our precious Cameron Bella, 8 lbs 11oz and 22 inches!